About the Author

Nic Tompkins-Hughes

Nic Tompkins-Hughes (BSW, MPA), is a social science researcher, community organizer and advocate. Nic identifies as transmasculine non-binary and uses they/them pronouns.

Visit Nic's LinkedIn for an overview of their academic and professional experience Here or the About Me page for more info.


Rainbow flag with a trans pride overlay and a multicultural pride fist.

Experiences of Transgender Adults Accessing Healthcare in Massachusetts


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A transgender patient with a trans doctor.

Primary Care Relationships

Trends in the data show that strong relationships with trans-knowledgeable primary care providers can help reduce the likelihood of negative healthcare experiences.

(Photo from the Gender Spectrum Collection)

A trans pride flag with a healthcare icon.

Intentionally Inclusive Healthcare

What does Intentionally Inclusive and trans-knowledgeable medical care look like, and how can we get there?

A transgender patient appears scared in a doctor's office.

Self-Identified Transphobia

Participants had interesting perspectives on the negative experiences they had endured while accessing medical care, which often contradicted their perceived transphobia.

(Photo from the Gender Spectrum Collection)

Resources For inclusive transgender healthcare in massachusetts


Click here for resources on obtaining healthcare in Massachusetts as a trans person curtesy of the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition.

Medical Professionals

Click here for resources on creating a trans-inclusive healthcare environment in medical practices.


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